Ruby Moseley

WARNING: This August email is red-hot!

Hey there,

Yep, it’s red hot, alright! 107, 108, 109+… whew!

Have you ever heard of those crazy folks that skinny-dip in icy water just for grins?

Anyone know where I can do that? I’m ready, (well, I’ll wear a bathing suit, yeah!)


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In Etched on the Heart, Maria is disillusioned that women weren’t seen worthy of staying in school. She was taken out at the age of 13 to work at home. Her discontent of that inequality and her search for identity is part of her “character arc”, how her character develops in the story.

So, she’s amazed when a woman doctor is lecturing in a nearby park! Dr. Zakrzewska was a woman doctor who’d emigrated from Germany to be schooled in the U.S. Maria sees her and other pioneering women of that day as her role models.

Dr. Zak saw sand lots that would encourage children to play outdoors, thus becoming healthy. It happened in the late 1880s when she was visiting her homeland of Germany. She took the inspiration for sand lots and healthy children to the U.S and began a movement. Her first sand lot was created in Boston, the city where she trained women for medical professions.

Sand Lot - Aug 2023 NL

Can you imagine if when you were a child, there wasn’t one sand lot in the playgrounds? They’re pretty important to kiddos and Dr. Zak knew about it way back then!


I really like bringing you interesting facts that might surprise or tickle you. Book Two: Etched on the Heart is chocked full of 1880s history: women’s issues, immigration, and the hubbub of the land of opportunity. You’ll feel like you’re right there with Maria!


It’s fun to keep up with y’all! Feel free to get in touch with me.

Hey, did you get a vacation this summer? We visited Germany. I hope yours was great! Read my July blog post about and see the pictures of our Germany visit.

Warm wishes and big hugs,
Ruby in Germany Summer 2023

PS. I hope I can offer something that helps someone who feels lost, unseen or desperate. Books have the power to speak the right words to them at just the right time.

Published by admin

I am a historical fiction author, mental health advocate, and blogger. I recently released my first book in the historical fiction series, Etch of a Promise, in November 2022. To read a free chapter, go to

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