So hot, an egg will cook on the sidewalk!
Hey, there!
I really look forward to writing you monthly; you’re special to me! Here in Round Rock, we’re in the “summer doldrums”—weeks of 100+ degree days that leave me feeling drained.
Please stay inside and drink lots of icy-cold tea, because heat exhaustion can sneak up unexpectedly. I said that like a real grandma, didn’t I?
My apologies for not sending out a June newsletter. Some rearrangements were needed so that I could start getting this monthly mailing out earlier. (I’ve been a bit behind.) I hope you’ll like it that way :>)
Click here to learn a little more about me.
So, BIG NEWS—within a couple of weeks, you’ll have a chance to help me choose among 3 trial cover designs. It’s time for your voice to be heard! I’ll send them in a special email. I truly need your input and I just can’t wait to hear what you think!
When you email me with your favorite choice, I’ll send you a special gift: a book-related goody and delicious herbal tea.
Psst! I’m not just rambling here—When you share the first chapter of Etch of a Promise with a friend, you’ll be entered into a drawing! The prize will be a signed copy of my book and a special booklover’s box of goodies. Show him/her the QR code, or send them to my website. has the offer on page one. Email me with your friend’s name. They’ll get my newsletter as well.
By the way, you can find me on InstaGram: @rubymoseleyholder. Where are you vacationing this summer? I hope it’s a great one!
Warm wishes and big hugs,
P.S.:- Here’s a preview of Book Two: Etched on the Heart finds Maria visiting her parents in Berlin and Nicklaus goes to Luxembourg.
I’ve written almost half of it, Thanks to Covid.
You’re seriously going to love following this story—full of unexpected chaos, but also love and happiness. I can’t wait for it to be launched in October of this year.
Bye for now…