Ruby Moseley

And that’s not all…

Picture of Ruby Moseley for March 2022 Newsletter

And that’s not all…

Sunny Summer Dog Days to you,

July is about over but this newsletter is scooting in to greet your Inbox to encourage your ‘sweaty endeavors’ in this hot month.

My particular ‘sweaty endeavor’ is, as usual, and what I love the most is to continue and finish the writing of Book Two, Etched on the Heart.

I’m finished with the first, semi-final draft, having it edited, and reviewed by a German consultant. So, things are cooking up real fine. I am so excited and thankful that I get to do this!

Writing is fun! Yes, you’re right. It IS a lot of work. The hardest part is remaining seated in my chair. I much prefer roaming around the house, working outside, walking around the neighborhood and peddling the bicycle at Planet Fitness.

But my computer chair is comfy, so I don’t have a lot of complaints. Because, as I said, I love to write.

I have about 140,000 words to this story so far. I hope that’s not too long for you! Historical fiction books are usually longer because we’re (that is, historical fiction writers) aren’t only crafting a story that you’ll love reading. We’re also building a world that isn’t familiar to you, not unless we do the very best job possible to help you to feel a “sense of place.”

Sense of Place” means you can envision the sunshine or the face or the landscape that is described in words. Authors paint pictures with words, so your mind can imagine it, which takes you on an excursion. Listen to your body when you’re reading an action scene, or when the protagonist faces danger and you realize—it’s as if you’re there!

Not only do I create that sense of place for you, but I also introduce you to the language of that land. With my series, it’s German. That’s got to be perfect, because some of my friends KNOW German!! Yike, that really puts me on the spot, you know!! It’s a part of creating sense of place, where you hear the voice’s inflection and the language’s crispness.

Would you be surprised if I told you that Book Three is NOT going to be in Germany? Because Nicklaus and Maria, like so many millions of their generation, immigrate to America. So we’ll be watching them learn the new culture and they’ll be striving to hold onto their German roots while doing so. But my task is to get Book 2 in your hands!

So long for now! Sending many hugs and warm wishes,

Instagram: @rubymoseleyholder Facebook: rubymoseley Website:

Published by admin

I am a historical fiction author, mental health advocate, and blogger. I recently released my first book in the historical fiction series, Etch of a Promise, in November 2022. To read a free chapter, go to

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