Ruby Moseley

We are SO thankful

Ruby's Dog

Hey there,

I’m thankful Thanksgiving is over… Why? I ate too much! Anyone else feel like that?

Just teasing. But truly, I’m thankful for the many, many blessings in my life. And that includes you, my friend and firm supporter. When I feel down, I just remember that there are others whose lives I touch. And you touch mine. That gives me accountability, but also strength. Thanks so much for being there and being you!

Time for another trivia anecdote about the history I encounter when I’m writing…What am I writing right now? I’m so glad you asked! Thank you! :>)

I admit, I should’ve finished Book 2: Etched on the Heart by now, but I started writing a Christmas story also, and it’s taken me on a detour. However, I’ll be sending all of you two chapters in just a week or so, before Christmas. I’d like it to encourage your Christmas spirit and lend itself to your happiest of holidays. Watch for that: coming soon!

If you’d like to order Etch of a Promise for someone you love, or for that special someone who loves books, please go to my website and order there: I’m sending a gift with each order, and I promise it arrives before Christmas. In fact, you can give me the recipient’s address and I’ll mail it to them. Your wish is my command.

A secondary character in Etch of a Promise is Jack, who is a Wurstmacher (sausage maker). He’s one of my favorites, because he’s written to be like my own dad—small frame, big heart. Wise, but waits to be asked. Not talkative, but what he does say is spot-on! And many times humorous. Ja!

I looked into the types of Wurst (sausage) there are in Germany. Would you believe …1,500!! Wow. Jack makes all the sausage he sells off his cart, or karren.

Weisswurst or white sausage is mainly only found in southern Germany, which is called Bavaria. It’s flavored with parsley, lemon, onions, mace, ginger and many variations. Jack makes his own mustard, or Mostrich also. (That makes me hungry.)

I hope you enjoyed that little snippet of German history. I love it. We visited Germany last May, and I’ve got to send you photos that we took. Till then, enjoy the days leading up to Christmas. It’s not just a one-day holiday, but a season of giving, loving and enjoying life.

Merry December, friends!
Ruby and Bob
Instagram: @rubymoseleyholder Facebook: rubymoseley Website:

Published by admin

I am a historical fiction author, mental health advocate, and blogger. I recently released my first book in the historical fiction series, Etch of a Promise, in November 2022. To read a free chapter, go to

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